Neurable’s vision is to create a world where people live without limitations. Our revolutionary brain-computer interface allows people to control software and devices using only their brain activity. Learn more at https://www.neurable.io/.
September 12, 2023 // 50 min, 30 sec
Every human experience is perceived by our brains. What might the human experience become when we expand our capabilities through futuristic neural technologies?
Neurable has a vision to create a world where we live without limitations through brain-computer interfaces – we’re afforded our first glimpse into the future of work, skills and human connection in this week’s podcast with Chief Executive Officer Dr. Ramses Alcaide.
In this episode:
Dr. Ramses Alcaide at 3:45
“I’m personally afraid of the hive mind, I don't want that kind of future. I like my own personal thoughts. I like to have them private.”
Marissa Geist at 3:50
“Since any electronics were introduced, there’s this fear that they're going to take over. But everyone seems to be thinking of them now as more of a co-pilot rather than an adversary.”
Dr. Ramses Alcaide at 9:00
“I think offices are still going to happen, you're going to come in, you're going to still have a laptop and a keyboard. Until invasive systems become mainstream, much further in the future - there's a lot of risks associated with getting surgery for brain computer interfaces - a mouse and keyboard is going to be faster.”
Dr. Ramses Alcaide at 15:30
“Augmented reality is going to come out and it's going to have neuro tech on it, you're just going to buy it because it's the best way to use technology at that point in time. Be open to the initial learning curves that those are going to have, and don't be afraid.”
Dr. Ramses Alcaide at 16:50
“Video games have a lot of benefits to your brain as well, like problem solving. You'd be surprised, but somebody who plays video games can do rapid problem solving much faster than someone who doesn't.”
Marissa Geist at 17:50
“When my kids come home, they get on their headsets and talk to their friends, they're actually not being antisocial. They’re interacting with their environment, with their friends, they're playing games together, they're collaborating. I can see that they do prefer to learn that way versus a more analogue way.”
Dr. Ramses Alcaide at 20:05
“Especially when it comes to the brain, a lot of people are worried about their data. I think that it is a responsibility for the companies to make sure that they respect the privacy and the data of individuals. I also think that everybody who buys this technology should be responsible, and make conscious decisions as to which companies and devices they want to buy from.”
About the experts
Chief Executive Officer, Cielo
Marissa is the Chief Executive Officer of Cielo, the world’s leading global talent acquisition partner. She joined Cielo in 2015 as Senior Vice President of Global Operations, where she was instrumental in scaling Cielo’s delivery model.
LinkedIn connectChief Executive Officer, Neurable
Electrical Engineer, neuroscientist, previous CEO of Pharo LLC and current CEO of Neurable.
LinkedIn connectAbout Neurable
Neurable’s vision is to create a world where people live without limitations. Our revolutionary brain-computer interface allows people to control software and devices using only their brain activity. Learn more at https://www.neurable.io/.