HR transformation consulting

Purposeful change, powerful results

Operational excellence – achieved. That’s what you’ll get with TA Strategy & Transformation consulting from Cielo. Using our proven methodology, we’ll guide you through your journey from defining future state to implementing and optimizing across the full talent spectrum.

We’ll help your teams understand the benefits of change and the transformation process, ensuring your investment brings lasting value.

A woman sitting at a table with computer with another individual in foreground

Key aspects of transformation

Digital & frictionless

An experience with the right blend of technology and human interaction


Change that’s both social and emergent

Cultural movement

More than tools, tech and processes – it’s an agent of change

Top down, bottom up

From strategy and process, vision and data to innovation and outcome

Inclusive & diverse

Baked in as a design principle

Agile, innovative & intelligent

Hardwired into our thinking and technology

TA transformation: Cielo style

The best talent acquisition, HR and engagement processes are designed specifically for your business – and we do it every time.

At each step of reinvention, our TA and HR transformation consulting experts show your company’s leaders, talent professionals, and technology stakeholders how to avoid costly mistakes and get the most out of your strategy. Our approach is strategic and tactical.

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  • Assessments and diagnostics
  • Talent strategy and future state planning
  • Vision, values and purpose
  • Employer brand and employee value proposition
  • Diversity, equity and inclusion
  • Technology and digitization
  • Change management
Two arrows pointing left and right representing a decision point icon


  • Future state business process reinvention and design
  • Talent acquisition/management structure and design
  • Requirement solicitation and market intelligence
  • Implementation readiness and planning
  • System and process testing and end-user training
  • Measurement and analysis
  • Program and project management

Let us light your way

With Cielo’s integrated, aligned, innovative and business-focused approach to TA & HR transformation, we build delivery models with seamless connectivity. Our expertise in creating unique process roadmaps ensures that your talent acquisition strategy provides a competitive advantage for the business. We offer:

  • Program governance
  • Change management
  • Solution design, configuration, testing & training
  • Existing solution optimization
A woman in a suit giving orders to a man in high visibility gear in a warehouse setting

We champion alongside you

A collaborative partnership from start to finish? You bet.

As your team designs and navigates its new recruitment or HR technology solutions, our consultants are readily available for support. We’ll work with you through the transition and lead in change management. We do this through:

  • Process optimization expertise
  • Stabilization and hypercare
  • Problem solving and issue resolution
  • System administration
  • Transition of knowledge, experience and actions
  • Facilitated programmatic change
Man smiling sitting on bench with waterbottle

Cases in point

Case study

Upgrading hiring with tech-centric talent acquisition processes

Learn how Consulting by Cielo delivers rapid TA Strategy & Transformation results for global organizations in this case study collection.

Man sitting at table looking at tablet while interviewing another person

Case study

Improved hiring outcomes with HR tech solutions

Explore how Consulting by Cielo helps global companies get the most from HR tech solutions and strategy with these snapshots of success.

Two people looking at a cellphone and smiling

We're frequently asked...

Human resources is an internal department with teams of people who typically manage the recruitment, interviewing, onboarding and training of employees – sometimes in tandem with talent acquisition teams. HR consulting is an external partner that works with the internal HR team to create a hiring plan that generates transformative results across the talent spectrum and the organization.

Many organizations don’t have the resources or expertise to commit to a strategic TA process that’ll produce the results they’re looking for. That’s where consultants come in. Consulting from Cielo is there through every step, from initiation to post-implementation, to create a unique approach for a competitive advantage.

Talent strategy consulting is when you work with experts to define the needs and goals for your organization – and then devise a plan to get there. With Cielo’s TA Strategy & Transformation consultants, you’ll have the tools, technology and strategies to attract and win quality candidates. From there, our insights will guide you on how to effectively engage and retain your valuable talent.

We create bold talent acquisition strategies for your business that are:

  • Powerful: To bring you the right talent faster and more efficiently
  • Practical: To provide real-world, expert insight you can implement
  • Proven: To deliver exceptional results beyond what you expect

When it comes to talent strategy and HR transformation consulting, Cielo’s the best.

Any organization can benefit from an assessment of their current process. Businesses that currently lack a structured recruitment process and talent management will see notable impacts on both their hiring outcomes and overall success. Working with a TA Strategy & Transformation consultant on your talent acquisition strategy is the best way to get started. Cielo’s talent expertise will help you:

  • Drive better talent and business outcomes
  • Optimize your TA process
  • Increase the value of your talent
  • Discover fresh insights about your business
  • Achieve operational excellence

HR consulting will transform your processes to deliver lasting talent and value to your business. With a process roadmap designed specifically for your organization and goals, Cielo’s TA and HR transformation consulting team will create a seamless talent experience for everyone involved. We’ll help you adapt, implement and integrate processes and technology to maximize positive impact.

HR consulting revitalizes your HR strategy and processes to ensure you get the most out of your talent efforts. Across the entire talent spectrum, you’ll see positive impacts like easier technology implementation, faster sourcing, and notable cost savings. With TA and HR transformation consulting from Cielo, experts are on hand throughout the process to make sure you have every available resource.

Organizations big and small, across all industries can generate impactful outcomes through HR consulting. Whether one part of your talent acquisition strategy needs help or you want a total HR transformation, Cielo’s Consulting team will design a strategic solution that aligns with your unique vision.

Change is difficult, especially if you don’t know where to start. Organizations often struggle with HR process efficiency and implementation, dissatisfying talent experiences, profitability concerns, identifying solutions, and change management. The Cielo HR consulting team will provide the right tools, technology and expertise to streamline the entire process, giving you the right insight to succeed. We’ll help you understand how it all fits together and how to ensure your HR transformation is successful.

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Contact us

To support your TA & HR transformation journey, schedule a consultation with our experts today.

Smiling Cielo representative

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